Each month Tomorrow's Cleaning ask a Cleaning Industry Professional 10 Questions, this month they chatted with James Metzger, Co- Founder of Metzger Search & Selection Ltd.
Lorraine Thomas talks to recruitmentgrapevine.com about the importance of developing a personal brand on and offline...
Metzger sponsor Astro to Atlantic Team
James Metzger & Lorraine Thomas attend the CSSA Annual Luncheon at the iconic Savoy Hotel.
Another thoroughly enjoyable Metzger wine tasting evening
James Flew shares his thoughts on recruiting top talent in construction in the midst of a skills shortage
James Flew of Metzger Search and Selection discusses how the global threat of cyber crime and a lack of cyber experts is a recruitment pressure cooker when sourcing senior cyber talent
Lorraine Thomas talks to HR Magazine about Emotional Intelligence
Known as ‘the world’s toughest row’, the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge is no ordinary sporting event.
The most favoured carrot to dangle in front of a prospective employee has always been a large salary. Primarily, everyone wants to earn well and afford all the security and luxuries that life has to offer. But now, there is a distinct change in the air.